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Additional Marketing Help Available

Often clients are interested to know what else we offer on a bespoke basis, so we’ve created a list for your reference.  These are split into two areas; strategic marketing and practical marketing tactics.

Strategic Marketing

  • How to create a referral strategy – so that others find it easy to send you leads
  • Developing Joint Venture agreements
  • How to get paid what you are worth
  • How to become established and well-known in your field
  • Designing your keep-in-touch strategy
  • Building your confidence – both in yourself and what you do
  • Create your step-by-step ‘Signature System’ – this shows potential clients what you can help them with step-by-step and makes it much easier to sell your services

Practical Marketing Tactics

  • How to create and sell a high-end offer
  • Write a leaflet (or other promotional literature) to get clients calling you
  • Gain clients through networking, conferences, meetings and events
  • Give a presentation which gets you clients (without any hard sell)
  • Design and write your website
  • Say the right things during an initial consultation (or first chat) to get people signing up for your service
  • Package your services to attract clients and maximize your revenue
  • Write and structure your copy in a compelling way – great for emails, newsletters and website

How can I found out more?

Please get in touch for an informal chat 01903 787506 or contact us via the Contact Page