
One-Day Masterclass


How to Get Clients from Group Presentations


5 Steps to Creating a Presentation that Sells


For: Coaches, Consultants and Other Small business owners

Saturday 12th March 2016

How will it help me?

Step-by-step, it helps you to get new clients from presentations, talks, webinars and workshops.

During this one day masterclass you will learn how to:


Step 1. Create your offer for your presentation

  • Ascertain the best service or product to offer in your presentation
  • Discover what to offer if it is inappropriate to sell

Step 2. Plan the structure of your presentation

  • Know how to give valuable content without giving the whole shop away
  • How to structure your talk to get people wanting to work with you

Step 3. Create the key messages to get people excited about working with you

  • Know how to sell without sounding like a salesperson
  • How to incorporate your marketing messages and seamlessly transition from content to selling
  • How to establish your credentials as an expert

Step 4. Plan how to convert interest at your talk into paying clients

  • Have a simple plan which has in my experience converted up to 69% of the audience to become paying clients
  • Understand exactly what to do next to take someone from interested to investing with you
  • Create a step-by-step plan of how to follow up with people and maximise your sales

Step 5. Create the right mindset for success

  • Learn my number 1 technique for getting more clients fast
  • Understand the easiest way to gain a positive mindset to enhance your success and performance

Date: Saturday 12th March 2016

Client Comments

“I implemented the marketing strategy in my first follow-up meeting, it was a great success and resulted in a new client very easily.
As a result of the day on ‘Getting Clients By Speaking’ I now have a clear way of bringing everything together as a cohesive strategy to reach more potential clients.  I’ve acquired some transferable skills which I can use in other aspects of my business such as structuring meetings with a prospective client.  Now, I know how to tell them what I can do for them rather than giving them detailed advice.  Before, these meetings could run up to two and a half hours and now I’ve got them down to 45-60 minutes so it saves a lot of time.”  
Carolyn Burchell, Composure Accounting & Taxation Limited,

“I gave a presentation to a group of 11 people about a small business mentoring group I am setting up. The result is that I now have the 6 people I required signed-up for my six-month mentoring course. Achieving this outcome is a huge success for me, as in terms of percentages it really beats the trends. Coaching from Lisa really gave me a clear insight into how marketing works best and how to use language and examples to my advantage.  Very many thanks.”
Wilma Allan, Business Coach and Mentor

From giving a talk I gained 11 new clients using some of the techniques I learned from Lisa.  Two of them became long-term clients and two years later I’m still working with one of them regularly.”
Debbie Watkins, Health Screening Practitioner

So what is the investment?


Is it Good Value?

The information in this training has the potential to increase your income significantly. I want to share this with as many people as possible, that is why I have made the training day as affordable as I can so you can attend and receive this business changing information. Coffee, tea and refreshments are included, however to keep the price down, I haven’t added lunch in to the price.

Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed

I’m confident that when you attend this masterclass you will be delighted. Just to back that up if you attend and don’t feel you are getting great value by lunchtime of the event you can turn in all your materials at the lunch break, exit the masterclass and get a full refund. 100%. No reason needed.

How Do I Book?

You can pay below via Paypal or send a cheque.

To Pay Via Paypal

Please press the button below.

To Pay by Cheque

Please email me (see address below) and I will send you a booking form.